We mourn the last space opera that was on the air bites the dust, thanks to SyFy (which in my mind and call FOX second part). We were promised
drama, space, aliens, ships and stargates. At first it was very entertaining and looked like a bad copy of Galactica touches Stargate, but without the intensity of the first and no sense of humor of the latter.
But little by little, and defining the characters, and find its place in history, became a more than decent series to watch.
The key is in the side, once the match and gave them all dialogs graciosillos fit as silk ... or less Galactica and Stargate more .
The second season started strong (much better than the first) and the second half was completely in love with her, just when they announced its cancellation, damn! Summary
sight. More than likely spoliers.
From the super-excellent Resurgence onwards, the series becomes pure genius, as an enemy Drones appellant, the number needed desperately their Replicators or Wraith, the unbeatable opponent and constantly evolving, how well defined the franchise.
-Eli goes from being the super intelligent geek good for nothing, El Salvador droníticas all situations, more confident, more use of character, good!
-Lieutenant Johansen, the first character he was given three-dimensionality in the series, the doctor faced with the precarious situation with no possibility of supplies. Miracles. Lost patients. And saved.
"The trio of scientists side, Volker, Franklin Park, how I'd like a spin-off with these three! Greer also come out.
-The emergence of Seizure McKay , brilliant, funny as always, with Lieutenant James telling where his face ... a little bit above where I looked at the scientist.
-Greer, in all his appearances, and that at first I did not swallow, the second season has served to confirm in one of the great strengths of the series.
"The decentralization of the series of official players, definitely all ESCR needed a cute couple, Chloe and Scott.
"Dr. Rush, a cocoon until the end, now that's a character consistense, how bad I fell! And I keep falling! It's in the pros for their dinamitatización find everything and everyone, every series needs a bastard to move the internal frame, and Rush was a nasty louse, vicious and intolerable ... but after all our louse.
-Colonel Young, who never saw a real commander, but as someone who was swayed by the current, or Colonel Telford, I liked ever. Their antagonism did not help, now we fight, we are now Super Friends, now is that I am a spy and turn to fight, now I'm a double agent and we are buddies again. All very tiresome.
-Like the relationship between Young and Camille Wray, at least from the second season came to an understanding. Both politicking on the ship dogged the first arc, and filled it with filler episodes where civilians and soldiers were fighting instead of cooperating.
"Throughout the series there was no high revelations about the builders of the craft, its intentions, and its mission. The mystical side convinced at first, then completely disassociated themselves from him, with both scientific, rational thought peppered both mysticism. The trip became her mission and return home ceased to be the priority.
-Ginn and Eli, yes, she gives me little pain, his disappearance was unfortunate, but I do not pegasen and always expected to see ulterior motives in it.
"The lack of a superman savior of the moment, fuciona like a charm with O'Neill and Sheppard (especially the latter), we need a hero, and we need it now. "Greer? Maybe.
"The carelessness with which he tried to Johansen and Varro, his fledgling romance deserved more minutes.
"Like the second teninete Vanessa James, finished out why so little and gave so little importance?
-The cancellation of course, a counter as a house, why? Why?

find their way, the delicate balance between action, adventure, drama and comedy finally showed us when we least expected. SyFy
Well we gave it to us SyFy removed.
And missed.