Japanese language has no
nothing practical. Now, as a barrier to the rest of the world works beautifully.
A foreigner in Japan is always a
1) use in an English multinational 2) in language teaching. 3) In the hotel or construction. ***********
suppose you, like me before coming to Japan, she was curious to know how the Japanese written. Well, read on, but I warn you that it is complicated noses.
used in Japan
4 alphabets, with different purposes:
1) Kanji
hieroglyphs are words mean. An adult knows about 4000. Several kanji can be grouped to form other words. In addition, a single kanji
usually has several possible meanings, and groups of them also
+ Example:
车 = car 库
= warehouse 车 = car 库
车库 = garage.
Game symbols expressing all possible sounds Japanese. There are 46 basic symbols, and many other products. The hiragana symbols usually simple and without edges. These symbols are used in children's text to write words as they sound instead of kanji , and that children can read.
addition, the hiragana
is the tool to write particles, suffixes, prepositions, and verb tenses. +
Example : 神
kami =
ka) み ( my ) か (ka ) ぜ (ze ). 3) Katakana: Game symbols used to write foreign words from . Express the same sounds as hiragana the , but the shape of the symbols is different. The katakana symbols tend to be simple and edgy. Names are used for both foreigners and imported words from other languages \u200b\u200b(which in Japanese is a top spade, because they are
Example: イ (
) i
shi) オ ( or ) = Ignacio. 4) Romaji: is the way of writing that allows Westerners to read Japanese. That is, with the Western alphabet ( a, b, c. ..) . Used for foreigners to read signs or names, or can begin to learn Japanese. Young children can not read. At first I wondered why the Japanese are not written entirely in romaji
. Now I find several reasons for this:
- Written sentences were too long.
- often several ways to romanize fit the same sound. - Many short words can have many meanings if you do not know the kanji .
- Japanese customs are small animals to death. The change does not fit on the head. +
Ignacios kamikaze wa desu
(Don Ignacio is a kamikaze
What pisses me off Japan
What pisses me off Japan
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