Disclaimer: The characters are not mine, are Stephenie Meyer, the fic is not mine, just translated it.
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My fanfiction: Mischa Dragonnette
Chapter 2: Hunting Leave comments!
My fanfiction: Mischa Dragonnette
Stop, Edward "I laughed, half jokingly, half seriously, after seeing their fifth defeat Edward Puma" You'll sick! "
Edward muttered something about a drink blood and have the force, which had been inconsistent in human ears, but something that clearly I could understand was" you said that vampires do not get sick "
" Yes, I said it, but considering the way you eat, you could be the exception. " I said dryly, trying to remove some blood that had fallen into the leg of my pants. I had already eaten my share of the group suddenly came to us, two strong young pumas, and had left the last five to Edward. Still do not expect completely drained five at once. Again
cougars appeared to be the favorite food of Edward. When we attacked the herd of deer on Sunday, Edward took only three and these animals were far smaller.
"Frankly, I'm starting to worry that the humans of the area could see the reduction in the number of animals." "We have to move soon," I said seriously.
"But I like it here, "Edward protested, drawing, for the moment, the mouth of the corpse," There is enough good food here. " Then he returned to his meal.
"There is enough and good food everywhere," he said, watching over, "As long as you do not eat it all!"
Edward just humming happy while enjoying the last drops of blood from the wound I had created on one side of the animal. It was a very good hunter, I thought it was fast and quiet, able to kill an animal even before he realized this was happening. Soon
not need my help, I shot.
"Soon there will I need to help me with what?" Curious asked Edward, rising from the drained corpse.
Inwardly, I cursed. Edward was quickly becoming accustomed to using his ability to read minds, while I kept forgetting that he could hear every one of my thoughts. Desperate to divert his attention from my embarrassing mistake, find something to replace them.
And finally I said seriously, "Edward, in recent days I've been thinking about something"
"Yes? "I ask Edward capturing the solemnity of my tone.
"I've been thinking ..." I said slowly, look you straight in the eye. "On returning to the hospital." It was something I had thought but had been reluctant to carry it out.
I took a look at Edward, only to see her red eyes were wide open and thoughtful. He knew what his fear was the same fear that had I thought of never returning to the hospital. For only two weeks had been a Vampire Edward neophyte. From the day I decided to save him, he had not lost sight of. If Edward was too remote from me, could face many dangers, from meeting other vampires to be exposed to humans. Not to mention the fear he felt he lost control and do something that we both them to mind. While not expected to feed on humans, but expected to make his own choice, not something he did because he was too young to resist.
However, I remembered that it was as if he were leaving in the middle of the city. He would be at home, a neophyte might be thirsty every hour. Not very often humans traveled to our part of the forest and had seen no other vampires in years. And if I had only the slightest suspicion that Edward could be in danger then return home. And the time I spent away from the hospital, more innocent people than I could save would die ... I showed my mental argument with Edward. Edward
consider this calmly, while I watched. At the end he nodded slightly, although the concern did not leave his eyes. I smiled reassuringly and I noticed the blood soaking his clothes.
"Do not be afraid." I reassured him, "I promise not to delay."
Edward stood motionless for several minutes, looking intently into the soil. Could say that the thought of something that scared him confess. Feared something else, maybe?
"What Edward?" I asked gently, approaching him.
Edward kept his eyes fixed on the ground until they ask "Are you to make someone else? "Blink
surprised" Am I going to do? "
My tone seemed puzzled trigger the gate of the repressed fears of Edward. I watch and began to speak in a frightened and quickly. "Did I do something wrong? Are you bored with me? Is this what the vampires when they are tired or bored of the people that make? You want to go to hospital to find someone else to turn, right? I do not mind, please just tell me where I went wrong! "His voice broke at the end of the sentence and stared at me intently, the pain vibrating in its glowing red eyes.
"You think I'm tired of you, he asked slowly, his words coming slowly into my brain. Edward nodded meekly, dropping his gaze to the floor again. Take your chin and lift his face until his eyes fell short of mine.
"Edward. Anthony. Masen. Cullen. "I said slowly and clearly, savoring each of the names ..." I never tire of you. And yes I want to help more people but that does not mean I do not worry about you. That's impossible! "I laughed at the absurdity of that idea sounded.
Edward stared at me, excited and hope in his young face. Hope quickly became suspect. "That means that you will not make anyone else right?" I asked wanting to be absolutely safe.
"I'm not planning on doing" I promised sincerely. At these words Edward relaxation, with an audible sigh escaped from his lungs. Once I stepped back and saw what he had done with his clothes, I said jokingly in a "messy eaters to eat, you better clean it before we go anywhere." Edward smiled
happy and followed me back home.
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