seasons ago now that I am asking this question to see the first signs of the great fairs.
how long?
I would like to know when I will or have to wait to see the name of Diego Urdiales on posters. What does this
TORERO to always receive the same treatment? Vale
if many of you think that has done nothing that has not succeeded anywhere hard key, but now I make them another question.
What did many others who prefer not to name for themselves to be in these fairs?
If someone explains it to me, perhaps to its senses, but I'm afraid the answer is logical.
destroys me to see a bullfighter with that ability, with that honesty, that bullfighting and that sincerity, have to be waiting another year to see if you can get head, always as a main course. Urdiales
I say, as few others could say that apparently bothers them that we see in our streets.
is the story of the time, but I will not tire, in my humble blog, to "denounce" this kind of injustice that make us lose bullfighters, which deberín get better treatment from companies.
I leave you with a song of Rosendo Mercado, who comes to hair:
Meanwhile, you see, we wait
Meanwhile, you see,
what we can do.
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