I really hope it's Alcurrucén yesterday and a bullfighter.
The six bulls were better presented than previous runs, but also very Justito and very desiguales.Descastados lots, with the strength and fairly tame in engine and all rods.
was saved a little five and six, more game. Alcurrucén
Lo failed, the bullfighter keep dreaming.
Your name as you know, Leandro.
is one of the bullfighters that I like, I expected this year. Torea
precious, yesterday also showed us a bull That is thanks.
He distanced himself from the bull and you reel off this series with his right crutch being halfway up the bull and not humble, but always with great taste and class, with the left gave a very natural course of slow motion and always carrying very ever fought the bull. The perfect flat shoes and this time, even killed.
From my point of view, the ear more than we deserved fair. For
put a but, he appears a little off and maybe there are times when you go from slaughter, but tell that to my taste, a bullfighter he appears wonderfully beautiful.
Today another, which also makes, Curro Diaz and also hopes that Ymbro Source.
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