Sunday, May 8, 2011

Does Taking Vicodin Raise Your Blood Pressure

30 Rock, Liz Lemon, weddings, baptisms and follies several

Fifth season which to me is the best comedy that airs now, 30 Rock . This year things have been really exciting, lots, buying the company, run (for a few episodes) of Tracy Jordan, the perfect relationship of Jenna, Jack, his wife and his daughter Avery, disasters have not occurred, Live episodes, microwave perfect, pro global warming jeans, bags in trees ...

"As always, the relationship of Liz and Jack, the gist of the series, all common dialogs are great, especially those little revenge as they prepare to each other in the episode where they are "supposedly" married. Cool.

"That Tracy Jordan be away for a few chapters, a relief to the looser nature of the series (think it was a kidney transplant who underwent the actor). It is always the least funny. That led us to an episode entirely devoted to women in Jordan, and his reality show, a genius.

-Kenneth Parcell on each and every one of his confused and ambiguous dialogue.
run riot "All the writing team situations, some ripped me tears of laughter.

"Of course Frank caps (Sitting ovation!)

"The episode in which Carol and Liz finally see the reality of their relationship. A delayed flight, and a hysterical passenger was the trigger for his farewell, so yes, we will miss Matt Damon, right?

-The appearance (short) of Will Arnett as Jack's gay super arch-nemesis, would not be a full season without him.

"Dr. Spaceman. So, no more.

"The episode live, SNL, does anyone think they are not capable?

"The long list of surprise appearances, from Tom Hanks until the very Aaron Sorkin ordered to Liz to "walk with him"

-Tracy Jordan, in all its forms, there is no way I or me liking do grace this man.

-Jenna and her neuroses, are becoming a bit tiresome.

-Michael Sheen, the future fate of Liz, who knows at the dentist, no, no grace.

"The few instances of the wife of Jack, Avery, however many there are, never enough.
The best episode of the season, let's see, temptations to put the episode in which Jack and Avery go to Canada and she goes into labor, or the episode live, but I decided to to 100, two parties, Jacks past and future, Liz mandarins hallucinating while professing his love for Dennis, Michael Keaton fixing gas leaks, and Tom Hanks on the phone with Clooney, to remove from the list of actors A Tracy, for making television. Sixth season


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