Sunday, April 24, 2011

Herbal For Cyst In The Brain

Scream 4, new rules will cry

After 10 years of the last chapter of the saga, the game continues semiparódico self-referential.
No other horror franchise never had it so clear, playing with the rules of the genre, sequels and others, the goal was his goal and stuck it up on the last syllable.
But people change, and the saga has to change, new characters, new rules. Media immediacy makes painfully clear, it may have become outdated form of terror to Scream , now the demand for more blood and more plot twists, is faster and twitteable, and yet Wes Craven and Kevin Williamson recognize the challenge and overcome it.
This may not be a great horror film, but feels at home when Sydney returns to the vícitima, the blonde dies screaming in a bloodbath, or that of back then, remains a decision death.
Nothing will ever be as great as the prologue to Drew Barrymore 15 years ago, but still devilishly entertaining.
Score: 5.5



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